Urban Green / Your Skillz

Urban Green is a project of Young Designers & Industry that deals with the question of how to treat 'green' in new urban situations.
On their website they state:

"Stad en natuur worden eigenlijk altijd als tegenpolen van elkaar gezien. Met het project Urban Green willen we de twee ogenschijnlijk conflicterende belangen– de ontwikkeling van de stad en het behoud van het groen – samenbrengen en integreren."

Urban Green was asked to do 2 workshops on Your Skills, an event for young people to discover their skills and interests. I (Tobias) was partly responsible for the workshop concept, together with YD+I and Pal West Modeatelier participant Gaia (age 16).

We asked the youngsters about their hang-outs, why they choose that spot and not another, how they use it, what they miss in public space in their neighbourhood, how they'd like to see elements of nature used in their daily environment, etc. They could build a maquette with pieces of firewood, coloured paper and lots of vegetables!

For more information on the YD+I project 'Urban Green' check www.ydi.nl or click this line.

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