Dit is meer 'stressen', dan 'tekenen'

In this little e-book you can see the result of a lovely 2 hours we spent with 8 lovely 10-12 year old girls. On their school trip, a few classes of the Bloemcamp School first went to the NEMO science museum and then came to NOWHERE for Graffiti, Breakdance, Fashion and Art workshops.
We asked them to name the most interesting thing they saw at NEMO (from 'tongen' to 'robots') and to use that as inspiration for this workshop. We gave our group little boxes to start out with, every kid got one material or tool that they could use on their box. After 5 minutes they had to give the material to the person next to them and so on... Of course this game element made for chaos at times but also kept them concentrated and working at a fast pace.
'Jezus, dit is meer stressen dan tekenen!'

They thought our names and occupations really didn't suit us at all and weren't afraid to tell us, so they baptised us Flip the Stylist and Rasta the Breakdancer.

Thanx Girls, we had a great time!
Again, please click for a better view on the book.

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